Feast Day: December 29
The miraculous power of Sister Josefa Menendez (1890-1923) is truly spectacular! If you've found this page, you must be very much loved by Our Lord. He reveals the incredible power of the intercession of Sister Josefa Menendez to his closest friends. Miraculous answers to your prayers may be very close at hand. Just ask her for help ... and the proof will be on it's way! Jesus Christ loves Sister Josefa Menendez with such a fierce and tender love that he will quickly help you in a miraculous way, just to prove how much he loves Sister Josefa. Open up your heart to her, pour out your concerns to her, and you will quickly find out why the intercession of Sister Josefa is so powerful.
Why is Josefa so Powerful?
The good Apostle, St. Jude Thaddeus, became gloriously renown as the most powerful Patron Saint of Desperate Cases because he was eclipsed for centuries in history. For ages he was forgotten. In the minds of the early Christians, his name seemed sullied because he was confused with the traitor Judas Iscariot. God rewarded St. Jude with an uncanny power to help the desperate. The evidence of this is the thousands of private adds, which newspapers have carried almost every day: "Thank you Saint Jude!" His power is well known all over the world.
In a similar way, Sister Josefa Menendez has also been eclipsed and forgotten. One of the most glorious saints of all time: Saint Faustina Kowalska has become singularly associated with the success of the new and wonderful Devotion to the Divine Mercy. This is just as it should be. By amazing acts of providence, God ordained that the official devotion to his Divine Mercy should be brought to the world through Saint Faustina.
However, Sister Josefa Menendez played a critical role cultivating the soil of the Church for rapid acceptance of the devotion to the Divine Mercy. She was really Christ's first messenger of the Divine Mercy to the world! Like St. John the Baptist, Sister Josefa was chosen by Our Lord to prepare the way for the universal acceptance of the Devotion to His Divine Mercy. He began quietly, by having his messages to Sister Josefa's published and circulated throughout the world. For many decades, the official devotion to the Divine Mercy was repressed, and forbidden by the Vatican to be promulgated. So Christ used the work of Josefa to cultivate the soil of his Church, to familiarize it with the devotion to his Divine Mercy through the writings of Sister Josefa Menendez. Then, in 1980 Christ went public in a powerful way with this special devotion, through the endorsement of Pope John Paul II, as he had revealed it to Saint Faustina Kowalska. The devotion spread rapidly throughout the whole world.
Sadly, today most souls forget that Christ first introduced this wonderful devotion to his Church through Sister Josefa Menendez. The devil hated Josefa for this! He dreaded what was to come, and he wreaked his full vengeance on Josefa for a work that Faustina would accomplish later in its fulness. Josefa was tortured by the devil perhaps more than any other soul in history! The devil knew how many souls would ultimately be saved on account of her work. Christ's mission for Josefa was actually entirely accomplished after her death! Very few really knew what messages the Lord was giving to her. These messages, however, would soon be published and widely circulated by an act of God Himself, and supported by the recommendation of the future Pope Pius XII! But, the tortures and sufferings that Sister Josefa endured during her life time were unbelievable! Her story is awe inspiring! It is one of the most fantastic in the history of the Church! You can read some of it below, in the ONLINE version of Christ's message to the world through her.
Today, the critical role that Sister Josefa played in the divine plan, has almost faded from memory. Even the Church itself has abandoned Josefa to the dusty annals of misplaced causes in the Sacred Congregation for the Causes of the Saints. Nevertheless, the Lord remembers the unimaginable sufferings Josefa endured to make known his Message of Divine Mercy! As a reward for her abject humility and for the incomprehensible tortures and sufferings Josefa endured for Jesus, she has ascended in heaven to the ranks of one of the most amazing intercessors of all time! The Lord has given Sister Josefa a special power for results, just like St. Jude, the Patron of Desperate Cases! But her incredible power is not well known! Very few actually lift their hearts up to her in prayer. Still, she will obtain great favors for anyone who will call upon her! She may be unknown, but she is absolutely MARVELOUS for souls with special needs. She does not have millions of devotees like St. Faustina. She is reserved for the dear friends of Christ, or the most desperate cases.
If you want to experience the miraculous power of Sister Josefa, turn to her with tender confidence! She can console you almost instantly in little things if would take some time, and quietly recollect yourself in a spirit of prayer to her. In a sweet and gentle voice, she can console you with an answer, or grant you peace. If your case is more desperate, your prayers must be more serious and diligent. You might compose a Novena of your own, offering prayers, or Chaplets, or Rosary's in Josefa's honor. (A novena is a way of praying of the same prayers of supplication for 9 consecutive days, in remembrance of the 9 days the Apostles waited for the descent of the Holy Spirit after the Ascension of Jesus into heaven.) You might ask the other saints in heaven to greet Josefa with kisses of love in your name. Or, you might pray the wonderful Novena provided below, which was composed with great love by someone who was miraculously touched by Josefa's power. He then, sent that prayer to me. I had no specific prayer to Josefa posted on this site. In a similar way, a Mexican girl who had been helped by Josefa, contacted me via the Internet years ago. She translated the early version this article into Spanish. Her Spanish version of this page has been viewed many times.
Sister Josefa ALWAYS grants a signal grace at the end of any Novena said in her honor. The answers she will provide for your prayers are truly amazing! She really will help any time ... all the time! Like Jacinta of Fatima, she is EXTREMELY POWERFUL against the temptations or torments of the devil. Turn to Josefa if you are being tempted or tormented, tell her that the devil is attacking the kingdom of her Lord Jesus, (your soul). She will provide help for you almost immediately. Just threatening to call upon Josefa causes the devil to flee!
Sister Josefa can help in every area of life. There is only one way
to find out how powerful she really is: send up a prayer! You can
click on the above picture of Josefa, to get a slightly larger image of
her. You might print out that picture, secure it in some way to a stronger
backing, have that image blessed, and talk to Josefa like you would to
a dear friend. Her spirit is kind, gentle, and very compassionate. She
really will help you in miraculous ways! Please, remember, to fittingly
thank her for any favor she obtains for you!
Inquire about the status of the cause for her Canonization by sending a certified postal correspondence to: Piero Galavotti
Include a return, self-addressed envelope within your letter. Any current information about Josefa's cause would be greatly appreciated! |
The ONLINE version of:
The story and writings of Sr. Josefa:
For more information about Sister Josefa, you may purchase the full version of her story, The Way of Divine Love and read the messages Jesus gave to her, through: TAN BOOKS.
E-Mail your Comments or Reports of Favors!:
Click Here to Cure:
Or read:
to Remain Pure!
Is Masturbation
a Sin?
-or read-
The Online Version of:
Secret of Mary"
The Way
to Divine Union
Includes full Word and Works Downloads,
Including the complete, unedited version of
"True Devotion to Mary"
by St. Louis DeMontfort
or read:
private, interpretation of the:
of the End of the World'