The astounding revelations of Christ, 
for Christians at the end of the world:

The Message of Divine Mercy

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Blessed Faustina Kowalska CLICK FOR IMAGE DOWNLOADS
Blessed Faustina  died Oct. 5, 1939
Blessed Faustina Kowalska was a Polish nun who received a series of  astounding revelations from Jesus! These messages are among the most important revelations ever given to the world!  Jesus told Blessed Faustina that the final age of the world was approaching. The message he was now giving to the world through her was specifically intended to prepare mankind for the end of the world.  "Before I come as a just judge, I am coming FIRST as "King of Mercy"!  Let all men now approach the throne of my mercy with absolute confidence!  Some time before the the last days of final justice arrive, there will be given to mankind a great sign in the heavens of this sort:  all the light of the heavens will be totally extinguished. There will be a great darkness over the whole earth.  Then a great sign of the cross will appear in the sky.  From the openings from where the hands and feet of the savior were nailed will come forth great lights -  which will light up the earth for a period of time.  This will happen before the very final days.  It is the sign for the end of the world.  After it will come the days of justice!  Let souls have recourse to the fount of my mercy while there is still time!  Woe to him who does not recognize the time of my visitation."

Beginning in 1931, Blessed Faustina beheld a vision of Jesus with two rays streaming from his heart.  The two rays denote the blood and water which poured from the heart of the crucified savior as the final signature of the covenant of the redemption!  These rays specifically symbolize the tangible covenant of God with man  (1 John 5:7).  This outpouring of blood and water consummated the the sacrificial offering of Christ,  who thus exhausted himself for our salvation!    The pale ray stands for the water, which become the waters of Baptism which makes the soul righteous before God. The covenant of salvation is established for men made righteous before God through spiritual adoption at baptism.  "You know that God is righteous, and everyone who's life has been made righteous has been begotten by Him." (I John 2:29)  The red ray stands for the outpouring of divine blood which atones for our sins.  This blood is continuously the source of atonement, and of divine life and grace for souls!  Jesus gave Faustina a very miraculous prayer, by which He promised to bestow great graces upon whom forever it was said: "Oh Blood and Water which poured forth from the Heart of Jesus as a Fountain of Mercy for  ( your concern):  I TRUST IN YOU!"

Jesus asked Blessed Faustina to have this image painted,  and to include on it the inscription: "Jesus, I trust in You!  He promised that he would  "flood graces upon souls devoted to this image, and that he would defend them their whole lives as he would his own honor! He asked souls to come before this image with confidence to ask for graces. He promised that through devotion to this image, as through a vessel, he would continuously pour out incredible graces and favors upon everyone who venerated it with humility.

He  asked Blessed Faustina to begin writing a diary,  so that others -- but most especially, the greatest of sinners -- might learn to trust in His incredible Mercy!  He revealed that his Divine Mercy was an unfathomable ocean! Mankind, he said, has no conception of how infinitely merciful God is!  In fact, he revealed that the most mysterious attribute of the divine nature was: Infinite Mercy!   More than infinite "goodness."  More than infinite "love."  The nature of God is so incomprehensibly generous,  such  love beyond all telling:  that "Infinitely Merciful" is the only way to describe it! "Mercy is the most sublime attribute of God."  He taught her how to think of God as infinite mercy, and to think of all of God's graces as an outpouring of  mercy.  "Pour out your mercy into our souls, oh loving and merciful God!"  He told her how he longed to receive sinners, and to forgive them as often as they needed!  Even if were an infinite number of times, he promised that he would continually forgive every sinner:  and renew them,  heal them,  strengthen them, and again and again restore them completely to grace!  He solemnly promised, that if only souls would trust in him, he could fill their lives with unimaginable graces!  He wanted people to know without any doubt, that no matter how many times they fell into sin, he would always receive them back joyfully!  He expressed to her that God loves men beyond their comprehension, almost to folly, but that by busying themselves in life without prayer, men fall deeper and deeper into forgetfulness and sin. In the visions, Jesus gave many other incredible promises to souls who would observe the special devotions that He was now revealing. This became known as the "Devotion to the Divine Mercy".

The most important aspect of the Devotion of Divine Mercy is the need to trust in God's goodness. "The vessel with which souls receive abundant graces, and special favors, is confidence!" The confident, trusting soul is like a lightening rod for Gods mercy and grace. Jesus could not stress strongly enough, that it was the soul's trust itself, that acted as the perfect channel by which God's grace could pour into a persons life!  Trust is like a unitive kiss, by which God is helplessly drawn to the soul, and allowed to freely pour himself into the soul. "Trust itself is the channel!"  That is why it is so essential to always practice acts of trust and confidence in God, and to continually repeat these acts of trust!  The more often acts of trust are repeated, the more sincere, absolute, and effective they become!

Central to the devotion of Divine Mercy was a plea that souls seriously try to imitate the nature of God by practicing mercy themselves at every opportunity in their lives!  Mercy is manifested by trying to help relieve the suffering of others, and in praying for the salvation of sinners.  He asked especially that souls try to perform at least one act of mercy every single day!  By performing acts of mercy, the soul is drawn ever more deeply into the Divine Union.

Also central to this new  Devotion to the Divine Mercy was the revelation of the miraculous "Chaplet of Divine Mercy." "Oh what graces I will grant to souls who say this chaplet!  The very depths of my tender mercy are stirred for the sake of those who say it.  Speak to the world about my mercy! Let all mankind recognize my unfathomable mercy!  Through the recitation of this chaplet I will answer any of their prayers!"  There has never been a more amazing source of miraculous graces than the Chaplet of Divine Mercy! "Oh ... if only souls would sanctify themselves by this means!" There are many other devotions and incredible promises associated with the Divine Mercy Devotion revealed by Jesus to Blessed Faustina.  Through the various special practices revealed in this Devotion to the Divine Mercy,  Christ promised to give people the desires of their hearts, and to transform them into vessels of divine grace.

Blessed Faustina died on October 5th, 1939. The Divine Mercy Devotion gained incredible popularity when it began to be promoted by Pope John Paul II himself in the early 1980's. His first official Encyclical, Dives Misercordiae ("Rich in Mercy") underscored the Popes incredible faith in the legitimacy of the Divine Mercy Devotion. No devotion in the history of Christianity has had more powerful miraculous signs and wonders associated with it. It is unquestionably the Devotion for Christians in the end times. Faustina was recently beatified by the Holy Father, and the reports of miracles associated with devotion to her, and to the Divine Mercy is astounding.

"God wants the very best for you at all times: and it is HIS will that orders every outcome."

Links to Informative Divine Mercy Sites:


To the great miracle worker...

Josefa Mendendez

A private interpretation of the Secret of the World's End